Are you interested in finding out more about how to publish in science journals? Would you like to hear some insider tips from an experienced author, editor and trainer about publishing? Come on down to this talk by Tim Albert to find out more! The talk will be split into two sections, the first covering the process of writing and submitting a paper, and the second focusing on the editing techniques and taking questions about the editing process for publishing academia.

Tim Albert has experience writing for national newspapers about education, and later, as a medical journalist. He has also experience in teaching writing and editing skills to medical professionals. He is the author of the book Winning the Publications Game, published by Taylor & Francis.

The Smart Way to Get Your Paper Published

Date:  10 November 2016 (Thursday)
Time: 10:00am to 12:30pm
Venue: LHS TR+ 54, Level 2, The Hive

Follow this link to register for the talk, or click on the poster below:
