The new semester has started, it is time for the Chinese writer-in-residence! This term’s writer-in-residence is Ms Hon Lai-chu 韩丽珠, a young female writer from Hong Kong. She has authored eight books in Chinese and won numerous awards. The Chinese Library will be hosting a tea reception for her at 2-3:30pm, 28 Aug, 2015. Ms Hon will share her literary experience and present her autographed books to the library.

This is the program:

    • 2:00  Speech by Prof Liu Hong, Chair of HSS
    • 2:05  Speech by University Librarian, Mr Choy
    • 2:10  Speech by Head of Chinese Division, Assoc Prof I Ro-fen
    • 2:15 Speech by Writer-in-residence, Ms Hon Lai-chu
    • 2:25 Autographing and book presenting by Ms Hon Lai-chu
    • 2:30 -2:40  Ms Hon’s sharing on creative writing
    • 2:40 -3:30  Visiting the exhibition and tea reception
