Described as “a Hidden Treasure” by Professor Quah Sy Ren, Mr Wong Koi Tet has worked as journalist, editor, playwright before. Graduated from Chinese Division of NTU with a Master Degree of Arts in 2007, he has been working as a part-time lecturer in NTU since 2009, teaching the creative writing course. He likes writing and drawing, having written poems, proses, and novels. According to the critics, the main characteristic of his works is “[his] marvellous and adventurous words will let your imagination soar”. In short, a young local Chinese writer with great potential! Do join us if you are interested:


  • Speech by the Dean of College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
  • Speech by the University Librarian
  • Speech by the Head of Chinese Division
  • Speech by Writer-in-residence, Mr Wong Koi Tet
  • Autographing and book presenting by Mr Wong Koi Tet
  • Mr Wong’s sharing on creative writing
  • Visiting exhibition and tea reception
