The Kasky-Nike threat to corporate social reporting

Hess, D., and Dunfee, T. W. (2007).  The Kasky-Nike threat to corporate social reporting.  Business Ethics Quarterly, 17(1).  Accessed October 18, 2010, from EBSCOhost database.

Abstract: “In the recent case of Nike v. Kasky both sides argued that their standard for distinguishing commercial speech from political speech would create the better policy for ensuring accurate and complete disclosure of social information by corporations. Using insights from information economics, we argue that neither standard will achieve the policy goal of optimal truthful disclosure. Instead, we argue that the appropriate standard is one of optimal truthful disclosure balancing the value of speech against the costs of misinformation. Specifically, we argue that an SEC-sanctioned safe harbor available under a closely supervised system for social reporting will bring about optimal truthful disclosure. The scheme is intended to enhance stakeholder confidence in corporate social and political commentary, while at the same time encouraging corporations to provide accurate information in a fair playing field of public debate.”

Corporate Sustainability and the Supply Chain

Sustainable Enterprises|
Corporate Sustainability and the Supply Chain
Chain Store Age, Jun/Jul2010

“For retail business, sustainability is no longer just about saving operational dollars, but about brand and leadership. Recent years have seen a rising sea change in both supply chain and consumer awareness.” – excerpt

Read more here.

Online Videos on Wal-Mart and Sustainability

“From the products Walmart sells to the packaging they come in to the way those products are used by our customers, Walmart’s sustainability efforts are making a positive impact on a global scale.”

From: 2010 Shareholders Meeting Sustainability Video
Tuesday, June 08, 2010

2010 Shareholders Meeting Sustainability

Fortune 500 video: Wal-Mart measures sustainability

Links: Learn more about sustainability at Walmart

Books on sustainable development

Look for these materials in the Library catalogue or follow these links:

Sustainable living

Sustainable development

Sustainable development–Case studies
Sustainable development–Congresses
Sustainable development–Economic aspects
Sustainable development–Finance
Sustainable development–Government policy
Sustainable development–International cooperation

There are many books out there. Below are some books which you may like to recommend for purchase. Send the title to me :
Remember to use your NTU email account. Post useful weblinks under “Comments”. I will be compiling useful weblinks in another posting.

For more books on sustainable development, please visit the following:

Earth Print


Barnes and Noble.

Articles on Sustainable Development

Here are articles on sustainable development. To access these articles, you need to be a student or staff of NTU.

The search will include the following databases: ABI/INFORM, Accounting & Tax, Dissertations & Theses, Entrepreneurship.

GreenFILE offers information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Topics covered include global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.

This search using EBSCOHOST Research Databases includes Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, Communication & Mass Media Complete, Computer Source, EconLit with Full Text, Hospitality & Tourism Complete, PsycARTICLES, PsycCRITIQUES, PsycINFO and GreenFILE.

Other databases available to you are available at the NTU Library.

Videos on Sustainable Development

Academic Earth
Academic Earth is very much like YouTube, except its contents are more academic. They offers free access to video courses and academic lectures from leading colleges and universities.

Have a look at its videos on Environmental Studies

Green TVGreen TV: Find out what businesses are doing through these videos on Green TV. is a web and broadband channel entirely devoted to environmental programming. On, the team hope to bring you fun and fantastic information to raise the awareness of green issues and get you riled up enough to act.

Fora TV

Note: the videos take awhile to play… so go and grab that cup of tea first. provides videos from events, lectures from universities, think tanks and conferences.