Smuggled Chinese – Clandestine Immigration to the United States

smuggled chineseAuthor:Ko-Lin Chin

Publisher :Temple University Press Philadelphia

Publishing Year :1999

Call Number :E184.C5 C539s

Introduction :

In the series of Asian American History and Culture, this book describes the hardship of smuggled Chineses in United states and how they overcomed perils while surviving in U.S., especially in New York’s China Town, which the experience was described  as ‘a dissapointment if not a curse’. This book further concludes the consiquences of flaws in national policies and lax law enfourcement and how this can perpetuate the cycle of desperation and suffering for the people at time. This book also includes the testimony collected by the author, Ko-lin Chin, through interviewing people of different levels, which include smugglers, illegal immigrants, government officials and business owners of over different countries, such as Taiwan, U.S. and China.

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