Public Lecture:”Tiger Parents and Whiz Kids: The Chinese American Achievement Paradox”



Dear all,

Greetings from Chinese Heritage Centre!

We would like to warmly invite you to the following Public Lecture.


Public Lecture

“Tiger Parents and Whiz Kids: The Chinese American Achievement Paradox”

Chair: Prof Zhou Min
Director, Chinese Heritage Centre
Nanyang Technological University

Speaker: Prof Jennifer Lee
University of California, Irvine, USA
Q&A with Prof Zhou Min and Prof Jennifer Lee

Reception and Book Signing: The Asian American Achievement Paradox

(Russell Sage Foundation Press, 2015)

Date: Friday, 29 January 2016
Time: 4.00pm to 5.30pm

(Please be seated by 3.45pm)
Venue: NTU, Chinese Heritage Centre, Level 2, Auditorium
12 Nanyang Drive Singapore 637721

Click here for location map


Registration: Click here to register online


Co-sponsored by CHC and Sociology Division, HSS
Asian Americans make up less than six percent of the U.S. population, yet are more than one-fifth of the entering classes in prestigious universities like Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. They are thus applauded as America’s model minority for their extraordinary levels of educational attainment by conservative pundits who fixate on Asian culture, traits, and values. In this public lecture, Prof Jennifer Lee and Prof Zhou Min, coauthors of a new book Asian American Achievement Paradox, will share their research findings and insight about the causes of high achievement, especially among Chinese Americans, as well as the social psychological consequences that accompany high expectations.


Open to the public and admission is free (a 30% discount book order form is attached)