Category Archives: NTU Library News 南大图书馆资讯

Balancing Act: The Growth and Success of a Family Enterprise 家族与企业双轨并进傅长春如何走过65个春秋?


Speaker / 演讲者:  Mr Poh Choon Ann / 傅春安先生

Chairman & CEO of PTC Logistics / 傅长春储运集团董事长兼总裁

Chair / 主持人:  Prof Zhou Min / 周敏教授

CHC Director / 华裔馆馆长

Date / 日期:      18November 2015 / 2015年11月18日

Time / 时间:      2.30pm –4.30pm / 下午2时30分至4时30分

Venue / 地点:   CHC Auditorium / 华裔馆二楼讲堂

Nanyang Technological University

Chinese HeritageCentre

12 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637721






Please click to register

东方思维与西方油画 :兼论陶瓷文明遗址之旅

The Cultural Dimension of Urban Planning

主持: 华裔馆馆长 周敏教授
日期: 2015年11月7日(星期六)
时间: 下午 2 点至 5 点
地点: 南洋理工大学华裔馆二楼讲堂
12 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637721



Please click here to register

SG50 Celebration Fund资助

” Tiger Parents and Whitz Kids: The Chinese American Achievement Paradox”


Speaker:  Prof Zhou Min
Nanyang Technological University, Chinese Heritage Centre, Director

Prof Jennifer Lee
University of California, Irvine

Date:           29 January 2016
Time:          3.00pm to 5.00pm
Venue:        NTU, Chinese Heritage Centre, Level 2, Auditorium
12 Nanyang Drive Singapore 637721

Further information about the book.

Save the date! Lee and Zhou’s book, ” The Asian American Achievement Paradox”, is now available for sale.

Booklink Pte Ltd
70 Stamford Road
Li Ka Shing Library Building
Singapore 178901
Tel: (+65) 9621 6127(+65) 9621 6127, Email:

Description of the book:

Email interview by “Inside Higher Ed” by Jacqueline Thomsen:

The Washington Post
28 August 2015
The Asian American Achievement Paradox.
By Sarah Kaplan

Quote extracted from Savage Minds:
“Zhou and Lee have done a tremendous amount of science and have a clear body of evidence and a compelling analysis of it…the study has taken on a controversial topic and has done a fine job with it. Anthropologists who want to engage the deep theoretical questions about culture, agency, and inequality that come from studying a politically-charged topic like racial inequality in the US would do well to keep this book and its findings on their radar.”