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Early Textbook Room

Wang Gungwu Library Early Textbook Collection

After more than a year’s renovation and preparation work, finally the collection is ready for view. Benefited from donation of Professor Wen Daikui, Singapore Nanyang Girls’ High School, and Singapore Chinese High School, currently the collection hosts more than 2000 volumes materials. Most of them are textbooks used in Singapore, Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Cambodia, and other Southeast Asian countries during 1920s to 1970s. The subjects include Chinese, English, Malay, history, geography, Mathematics, physics, civics, Buddhism, etc.

Since the Kangxi 29 years (1690), the overseas Chinese in Indonesia Jakarta set up Ming Cheng College, overseas Chinese education had gone through from grassroots to flourish, and then to decline in the past 300 years. The study of overseas Chinese education, not only helps us to understand the changes in the economic and political aspects of overseas Chinese, and also helps to clarify the transmutation of Chinese’s identity and Chinese culture awareness for overseas Chinese. Undoubtedly, these textbooks, indispensable as a teaching tool and an information carrier, provide plenty of original and unique information for the study of overseas Chinese education. Continue reading Early Textbook Room

让旧课本为华校历史说话: 华裔馆辟「早期课本特藏」角落 (联合早报)




廖教授指出,新加坡曾经是本区域华文教科书的出版中心,像商务印书馆、上海书局、世界书局、中华书局和南洋书局等,都出版过大量华文教科书,销售到印度尼西亚、泰国、柬埔寨、缅甸、菲律宾、越南、老挝等区域国家。那时候,新马还是一家。   Continue reading 让旧课本为华校历史说话: 华裔馆辟「早期课本特藏」角落 (联合早报)



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听起来好像很容易吧,等你身临其境,感受就不一样了。由于那两个房间比较封闭,加之书籍堆放凌乱疏于整理,且多数书籍历史悠久书品很差,进去就能闻到强烈的霉味。小强、蜘蛛以及各类啮齿动物的活动遗迹更是随处可见,够幸运的话你还能见到活物。书虫是熟客了,初次见面我们还会惊叫一声,因为这银色小虫速度飞快,估计原产地牙买加,往往我们还没反应过来它便消失在茫茫书海。后来混熟了,二话不说直接以迅雷不及掩耳之势将其就地正法,以免为祸人间。以前这里是这些小动物们的天堂,我们的到来结束了他们阳光灿烂的日子。 Continue reading 王赓武图书馆图书整理工作