Category Archives: Book Recommendation 好书推荐

The Last Half Century of Chinese Overseas.

The Last Half Century of Chinese Overseas.Author: Elizabeth Sinn

Publisher: Hong Kong University Press

Publishing year: 1998

Call number: DS732.L349


This book is an anthology of select papers presented at ‘The Last Half Century of Chinese Overseas: Comparative Perspectives’ Conference held from 19 to 21 December 1994.

The Hong Kong conference, however,  was more focused in terms of time, being the first international meeting of its kind to concentrate on the post-war period which had witnessed fundamental changes among Chinese outside China.

The majority were related to one of the five themes chosen for the conference: changing economic activities of Chinese overseas, national, international and transnational; migration patterns; political participation in host countries; popular culture and ethnicity; family structure and gender issues.

On Not Speaking Chinese

on not speaking chineseAuthor: Ien Ang


Publishing Year: 2001

Call Number: DS732.A581

Description: In this major new book, leading cultural thinker Ien Ang engages with urgent questions of identity in an age of globalization and diaspora. The starting-point for Ang’s discussion is the experience of visiting Taiwan. Ang, a person of Chinese descent, born in Indonesia and raised in the Netherlands, found herself “faced with an almost insurmountable difficulty”-surrounded by people who expected her to speak to them in Chinese. She wrties:’It was the beginning of an almost decade-long engagement with the predicaments of “Chineseness”in diaspora. In Taiwan I was different because I couldn’t speak Chinese; in the West I wa different because I looked Chinese.’

From this autobiographical beginning, And goes on to reflect upon tensions between ‘Asia’ and ‘the West’ at a national and global level, and to consider the disparate meanings of ‘Chineseness’ in the contemporary world. She offers a critique of the increasingly aggressive construction of a global Chineseness, and challenges Western tendencies to equate ‘Chinese’ with ‘Asian’ identity.

Don’t Leave Home: Migration and The Chinese

do not leave homeAuthor: Wang Gungwu

Publisher: Times Academic Press

Publishing year: 2001

Call number: DS732.W246d

Description:This book describes this massive wave of migration and the smaller ones that occurred in the last three decades of the 20th century.

The migrations of recent decades have however been different in two respects:

  • They have involved Chinese not only from greater China itself (Hong Kong,Taiwan and the mainland) but also from Southeast Asia and else where.
  • The have involved those of high educational level.

The author looks at these different migrations mainly from the perspective of those who settled in Southeast Asia and , but also includes the experiences of those Chinese who have made their home in other parts of Asia, Australasia and North America.







Your Chinese Roots: The Overseas Chinese Story

your chinese rootsAuthor: Thomas Tsu-wee Tan

Publisher: Times Books International

Publishing year: 1986

Call Number: DS732. T161

Description:This is a story of the overseas Chinese-of their struggles against discrimination in the early years, the growth of Chinatowns, and of the many associations like clans and hui-kuans that were formed, bringing together fellow Chinese who speak the same dialect, originate from the same district, and who have common surnames. In particular, this book examines the major overseas Chinese communities in the Nanyang, and countries further afield like America, Australia, New Zealand and Britain.