





The Future of Growth in China: Fiscal Solutions for Structural Constraints

Division of Sociology & Chinese Heritage Centre, NTU

cordially invite you to attend the following Public Lecture:

The Future of Growth in China: Fiscal Solutions for Structural Constraints


Speaker: Prof Salvatore Babones, University of Sydney

Date: Friday, 6 November 2015

Time: 3pm

Venue: HSS Conference Room (HSS-05-57)


As China approaches middle income status, its rate of economic growth is slowing. In per capita terms, China will soon catch up with peer countries like Brazil, Mexico, and Russia, but will it surpass them? After three decades of rapid growth, China now faces the same kinds of structural constraints that these countries have faced for decades: a stagnant workforce, unequal urbanization, environmental depletion, tax avoidance, capital flight, brain drain, and a reluctance to invest in human infrastructure. These constraints combine to produce a fiscal crisis of the developmental state — a crisis that hit all of these peer countries at similar stages in their development and is likely to hit China before the end of this decade. Contrary to conventional wisdom, neither further economic liberalization nor improved rule of law will alleviate this crisis. The real lesson of endogenous growth theory is that China can only break through the middle income trap through pro-poor structural reforms that require a substantial expansion of the fiscal capacity of the Chinese state.

This presentation is a synthesis of several short articles, most of which can be viewed on the website of Foreign Affairs magazine: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/authors/salvatore-babones

Speaker’s Biography
Salvatore Babones is an associate professor of sociology and social policy at the University of Sydney. He is the author or editor of ten books and more than two dozen academic research papers applying comparative methods to the study of the international political economy. He also writes extensively on international affairs and is a member of Foreign Affairs magazine’s “China Brain Trust.” Salvatore Babones is currently a visiting associate professor at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.



” Tiger Parents and Whitz Kids: The Chinese American Achievement Paradox”


Speaker:  Prof Zhou Min
Nanyang Technological University, Chinese Heritage Centre, Director

Prof Jennifer Lee
University of California, Irvine

Date:           29 January 2016
Time:          3.00pm to 5.00pm
Venue:        NTU, Chinese Heritage Centre, Level 2, Auditorium
12 Nanyang Drive Singapore 637721

Further information about the book.

Save the date! Lee and Zhou’s book, ” The Asian American Achievement Paradox”, is now available for sale.

Booklink Pte Ltd
70 Stamford Road
Li Ka Shing Library Building
Singapore 178901
Tel: (+65) 9621 6127(+65) 9621 6127, Email: enquiry@booklink.com.sg.

Description of the book:

Email interview by “Inside Higher Ed” by Jacqueline Thomsen:

The Washington Post
28 August 2015
The Asian American Achievement Paradox.
By Sarah Kaplan

Quote extracted from Savage Minds:
“Zhou and Lee have done a tremendous amount of science and have a clear body of evidence and a compelling analysis of it…the study has taken on a controversial topic and has done a fine job with it. Anthropologists who want to engage the deep theoretical questions about culture, agency, and inequality that come from studying a politically-charged topic like racial inequality in the US would do well to keep this book and its findings on their radar.”