Seminar on 26 Aug 2014 (2:30pm to 4pm)
Speaker: Professor Cao Yunhua (Jinan University, China)
Chairperson: Asst Professor Fang Xiaoping (Division of Chinese, NTU)
Language: Mandarin
To register, please reply to
Bloody Tears, Oldest Book in our Library & Confessions of a Librarian in Library Xpress Vol. 9 Issue 1!
A surprising confession from our librarian, the oldest book in our library and many more in this issue of Library Xpress!
Early Textbook Digital Project Launched!
If you have heard or visited our early textbook special collection at Wang Gungwu library, you might be very impressed by these precious resources. Now we present this online bibliography for your easy access to this collection at any time anywhere as you like!
It records a total of more than 1200 titles of textbooks and related study and teaching materials that were used in Mainland China and Chinese schools in Southeast Asian countries during the twentieth century.
You can search by title, author, or subject. Alternatively, you can browse the whole collection by author, year, content level, subject heading, keyword, and place of publication.
You can access to this bibliography via : NTU library homepage-Teaching and learning-Digital projects. Or use this link:
If you have any feedback, please contact us at or
Wang Gungwu Library
华裔馆馆长周敏教授举行公开讲座Public Lecture by CHC Director Professor Zhou Min
Public Lecture by CHC Director Professor Zhou Min
时间/time:7月5日星期六下午2点;2pm on Sat. 5th July, 2014
地点Place:新加坡颜氏公会(三楼礼堂)Gan Clan Association Auditorium (Level 3)
18 Bukit Pasoh Rd. Singapore 089832
电话/Phone: +65 6223 0739/ 9178 2041
《美国華人的教育成就的背后》Behind the Extraordinary Educational Achievement of Chinese Americans
Synopsis: In this public lecture, Prof Zhou unfolds the educational experiences of contemporary Chinese immigrants in the Unites States and their US-born or US-raised children. Through years of sociological research and from diverse perspectives of the scholar, parent, and child, she analyzes the reasons for success while highlighting the hidden lessons of success.
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