Genthe’s Photographs of San Francisco’s Old Chinatown

gentheAuthor:Arnold Genthe and John Kuo Wei Tchen

Publisher:Dover Publications

Publishing Year:1984

Call Number:F869.S36G337

Introduction:In 1985, a cultured, well-educated young German named Arnold Genthe arrived in San Francisco as a tutor to the son of an aristocratic family. Almost immediately, Genthe was attracted by Chinatown, or “Tangrenbu”–a teeming ten-block area of crowded buildings,narrow streets and exotic sights and sounds int he shadow of Nob Hill.

The Chinese of Kern County 1857-1960

the chinese of kern countryAuthor:William Harland Boyd

Publisher:Kern County Historical Society

Publishing Year:2002

Call Number:F868.K3B789

Introduction:”Bakersfield’s old and new Chinatowns before the 1952 earthquake, and the lives of the Chinese in eight surrounding towns. Occupations as miners, railroad workers, gardners, farmers, gamblers, herb doctors and cooks over three or four generations.”






介绍:阿曼多·蔡、古斯塔沃·崔和莫伊塞斯·邵黄,三位华裔古巴青年, 经过地下斗争和1956~1958年的革命战争洗礼, 逐渐成长为坚强的革命战士。 正是这场战争推翻了美国支持下的巴蒂斯塔独裁政权, 打开了美洲社会主义革命的大门。他们一生中的革命事迹, 使他们成为了古巴革命军中的将军。通过他们在本书中为我们所讲述的关于古巴经济、社会和政治等方面的故事, 我们能够了解到是什么使古巴获得了新生, 并为我们开创了新纪元。

我们看到千百万像他们一样的普通人、那些统治者视而不见的“默默无闻的人”, 拒绝接受没有尊严、没有希望的生活,为了他们的梦想走上历史舞台, 改变历史进程, 在这个过程中他们使自己获得了全新的自我。

The Challenge Of The American Dream:The Chinese In The United States

Author:Francis L.K. Hsuthe challenge of the american dream

Publisher:Wadsworth Publishing Company

Publishing Year:1971

Call Number:E184.C5H873

Introduction: The Minorities in American Life series is designed to illuminate hitherto-neglected areas of America’s cultural diversity. Each author treats problems, areas, groups, or issues that cannot ordinarily be examined in depth in the usual surveys of American history and related subjects. Although all the volumes are connected to each other through the unifying theme of minority cultures, the series is flexible and open to a number of uses.

By opening minority studies to young people, the series also meets a social and educational need. By providing the short, sound, and readable book on heir life and culture, and by accepting them on their own terms, the series accords minorities the justice and appreciation for their heritage that they have seldom received. By dealing with live issues in a historical context, it also makes the role of minority vulture in American life meaningful to young people and opens new doors to an understanding of the American past and present.








