Wednesday, 7 August 2019, 7-9pm
The Single Screen at NTU CCA Singapore
Blk 43 Malan Road, Singapore 109443

Questioning Museums: Art Institutions in Singapore critically examines the ways in which shifting social, political, and cultural histories are both produced and made visible through the island-state’s institutional structures, collecting strategies, and modes of exhibition making. Working together in teams, the inaugural class of students from Nanyang Technological University’s Masters of Arts in Museum Studies and Curatorial Practices (MSCP), a programme designed to prepare graduates for professional positions in the highly complex and diverse museum landscape of Southeast Asia, anchor their collective exploration through four in-depth interviews with leading figures of Singapore’s ever-evolving museum field: Kwa Chong Guan, Peter Lee, Angelita Teo and Kennie Ting.

Please join us for a celebratory book launch with honoured guests, a roundtable conversation with recent graduates, and a welcome reception for the incoming class of MSCP students!


19.00 – Welcome by Prof. Ute Meta Bauer, Director of NTU CCA
19.05 – Intro by Michael Walsh, Chair of ADM (NTU)
19.15 – Guest of Honor Ms. Chang Hwee Nee, CEO of NHB
19.20 – Roundtable conversation
Moderated by Adrian Tan with students: Leon Tan; Shireen Marican; Hui Ting; Tian Lim. Each student will discuss highlights from the conversation with their respective interviewee: Angelita Teo; Kennie Ting; Peter Lee; Kwa Chong Guan
19.55 – Overview on MSCP by Marc Gloede – MSCP’s first year, multiple projects, plans going forward
20.00 – Refreshments


Guest of Honor Ms Chang Hwee Nee CEO of NHB received the book from a student (2)


Guest of Honor Ms Chang Hwee Nee CEO of NHB received the book from a student


Laura Miotto co-Diretor of MA Museum Studies Curatorial Practices welcomes Ms Chang Hwee Nee


Marc Gloede co-Diretor of MA Museum Studies Curatorial Practices


Michael Walsh Chair of ADM


Peter Lin Deputy Director NTU-CCA


Roundtable Conversation – Adrian Tan – Leon Tan – Shireen Marican – Hui Ting – Tian Lim (2)


Roundtable Conversation – Adrian Tan – Leon Tan – Shireen Marican – Hui Ting – Tian Lim (3)


Roundtable Conversation – Adrian Tan – Leon Tan – Shireen Marican – Hui Ting – Tian Lim (4)


Roundtable Conversation – Adrian Tan – Leon Tan – Shireen Marican – Hui Ting – Tian Lim