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Editorial team:

阮阳 Ruan Yang
Head, Chinese Library & Wang Gungwu Library
Email :
Tel : (65) 6790 6356

钟伟耀 Cheng Wei Yeow
Senior Librarian
Email :
Tel : (65) 6513 8674

吴瑶瑶 Wu Yao Yao
Email :
Tel : (65) 6592 3075

Editor’s Introduction


Nanyang University (Nantah) was founded in Singapore in 1955. It was the only overseas Chinese language university at that time. In 1980, it merged with the then University of Singapore to form the National University of Singapore (NUS). Nanyang Technological University (NTU) now stands on its original site. In a mere span of 25 years, Nanyang University produced over 12,000 graduates. It had a profound impact on the Chinese community in Singapore and Malaysia and held a critical position in the history of Chinese education in Southeast Asia. This bibliography aims to facilitate research on Nanyang University by collecting, organizing and pointing readers to written records on topics relevant to Nantah.  It covers the earliest materials which date back to the early 1950s before the university was built to the present (2015, Sep 30). The bibliography will be updated regularly.
The bibliography comprises records of publications and other information materials that are relevant to the history of Nanyang University. It currently has a total of 15,000 records. These include: 1)  Publications and other information materials produced by Nanyang University, including its administrative divisions, colleges and schools, faculty and staff, academic associations, student organizations, individual students and graduates, during its existence from 1955 to 1980. 2) Publications and other materials produced by alumni, or alumni organizations, from 1980s to present. 3) Government documents such as official reports, oral history interviews, speeches, pamphlets, posters, press releases, correspondences of the Straits Settlements, since Nantah’s founding period in 1950s to present; 4) Newspaper articles from major local Chinese newspapers Nanyang Siang Pau and Sin Chew Jit Poh prior to their merger in 1983, Lianhe Zaobao after 1983, and the English newspaper Straits Times from 1950s onwards; 5) Research publications by non-Nanyang University researchers on Nanyang University’s history. Formats of these materials include monographs, book chapters, journal articles, conference papers, theses, newspaper articles, official documents, audio-visual materials, Internet resources, etc. This bibliography does not include publications or information material of content that is not directly related to the history of Nanyang University.
Sources of information
The merger of Nantah and University of Singapore meant that most of the relevant materials and documents currently reside in the NUS Libraries’ collections. The physical collection at NTU Libraries is therefore relatively smaller. The main sources of this bibliography are: –  NUS Libraries’ Online Catalogue –  NTU Libraries’ Online Catalogue –  Archives Online of National Archive of Singapore – Relevant bibliographies, such as Bibliography of Nanyang University publications and the works of teaching staff and students (published in 1975), Essays on history of Nanyang University (published in 2004)  –  Microfilms of Nanyang Siang Pau (1950 -1978) and Sin Chew Jit Poh (1950 -1978) –  Newspaper databases: NewspaperSG, Newslink, Factiva, etc. – Websites, e.g., NandazhanThe Association of Nanyang University Graduates. – References or notes from relevant monographs, papers or theses on Nantah.
Project Plan:
There are 2 phases to this Nantah bibliography project. Phase 1: About 15,000 records of monographs, book chapters, journal articles, Internet resources, government documents, etc. were uploaded by Sep, 2015. Phase 2: About 10,000 records of newspaper articles would be uploaded by June, 2016.
Important Note
In the process of compiling the bibliography, a diverse selection of materials including secondary sources were used. Thus the bibliographic details of some records may be incomplete or could not be verified. Those records, marked as “unverified”, have been included to serve as leads for researchers. If you plan to cite those records, please try to find and consult the original materials. The editorial team welcomes contributions from users. If you have any of the documents stated as unverified in the bibliography, we will be grateful to hear from you so that we can make the necessary corrections or improve the existing bibliographic information. Our email contact is Alternatively, you can write to us, addressing to Chinese Library, 50 Nanyang Avenue, S3.2-B5, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798. We will also be happy to receive donation of materials listed in the bibliography which are not available in our Library.


Professor Liu Hong

Tan Kah Kee Endowed Professor of History and Asian Studies

Chair, School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Nanyang Technological University

Nanyang University (Nantah) writes an important chapter in the history of Southeast Asian Chinese communities and the evolution of the region’s higher education. Research on it started in the mid-1950s, at the time of its founding, and has persisted until now, surviving Nantah’s merger with the University of Singapore in 1980 to form the National University of Singapore. Academic interest in Nantah is not just confined to Singapore or Southeast Asia or to Chinese speakers: it is an international endeavour that has also attracted the attention of scholars in North America, Japan, Europe, etc.


A major challenge for researchers of Nantah has been the lack of a reliable, comprehensive, and accessible bibliography of primary historical data and secondary research in Chinese and English. I am gratified and delighted that a team of passionate and gifted librarians, led by Ms Ruan Yang, Head of Nanyang Technological University’s Chinese Library, has produced the most comprehensive bibliography to date of Nantah’s history, readily accessible through the internet to researchers and students all over the world.  The bibliography lists historical documents, newspaper articles, monographs, book chapters, journal articles, conference papers, government publications, internet resources, etc., and covers the years from 1955 to the present. It also lists publications by Nantah’s administrative divisions, colleges, schools, faculty, staff, academic associations, and student organizations, materials that provide a unique insight into the University’s development. The bibliography is not only comprehensive (“any publication that is related to the research of Nantah’s history will be included”) but easy to use, through search functions covering authors, keywords, subject headings, publication years, and publishers.


So the bibliography is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in studying or researching the history of Nantah. I congratulate Ms Ruan Yang and her team on their contribution, not only to the field of bibliography as such but, more broadly, to the study of Nanyang Chinese communities, for Nantah was in essence a product of the joint efforts of those communities and has a special place in their collective memory.