Postscript 后记
The editorial team is made up of the Chinese librarians at NTU Libraries. Our aspiration when we first began the project was to preserve a complete collection of documents pertaining to Nanyang University.It didn’t take us long to realise the complexity of the task ahead of us. There was a lot of information to sort through. The publications were in a wide variety of formats spanning 60 years; many of the original copies needed for collection and verification were lacking. We spent a lot of time tracing, collecting and verifying. Even now, verification is still in progress.
We faced manpower and time constraints and system and technological limitations, which meant we needed to put in a lot of manual work. In spite of these barriers, our passion burns strong. The Nantah spirit of Ceaseless quest for excellence spurs us on.
Today, we humbly release a portion of the bibliography to the public to facilitate research. We are fully aware that this bibliography is far from complete.
We welcome constructive suggestions, comments, corrections and supplementary information from readers, especially Nantah’s alumni. We endeavour to collect more of Nantah’s historical documents and appreciate any kind donations. Donated materials will be made available for research. Together, we can make a difference.
We are deeply grateful to our colleagues from the NUS Libraries and National Library of Singapore for their support during the material collection and verification process.
The Editorial Team
我们是南洋理工大学中文图书馆员。几年前,我们本着 “为本校保存一份完整的南洋大学历史资料、哪怕只是目录也好”的责任感和使命感,满怀激情地接过这个任务,没想到困难重重,进展缓慢。一方面是资料内容庞杂,时间跨度超过一个甲子,而本馆资料严重欠缺,让我们在资料收集及核实方面耗费了很多时间和精力,到目前还有一些资料有待查证;另一方面是人手有限,我们没有一人能专注于这项工作,加之整理时间不足,系统技术的限制,我们只能化整为零,分阶段循序渐进。在整个项目的进程中,我们经常目不斜视、几个小时盯着电脑不抬头,既经历过找到并核实大批资料的喜悦,也经历过大海捞针、茫然无措的痛苦,是“自强不息、力争上游”的南大精神时时激励着我们、鞭策着我们向前进。今天,我们怀着“战战兢兢、如履薄冰”的心情,将已经整理好的部分记录公布于众,以方便大家使用。 我们深知,这个目录离完整、完美还很远,衷心希望各界热心人士、特别是南大校友本着爱护之心,多加补充、指正,以期完善。另外, 本馆也在努力收集南大的历史资料,吁请有收藏的人士捐赠本馆,我们将妥为保管,并开放给学者专家或有研究兴趣者使用。学术乃天下公器,南洋大学历史资料的收集整理,还仰仗各位热心人士的支持,如蒙割爱,将不胜感激。