Nanyang Business School Forum on Risk Management and Insurance
The Nanyang Business School Forum on Risk Management and Insurance provides a platform where academic researchers and industry professionals share their findings and discussions on any risk management and insurance issues. Posts would have significant practical implications in the areas of risk management, insurance, actuarial science, etc.
The Forum continuously invites posts and regularly invite posts based on articles presented premier risk and insurance related conferences. The Forum posts not only text-based descriptions but also interview videos which would make contents more accessible to the public.
The Forum is currently run by Shinichi Kamiya, Nanyang Business School. Although the editor solicits the posts featured on the Forum, the Forum welcomes unsolicited submissions. Submissions, and any other correspondence to the editors of the Forum should be sent to skamiya@ntu.edu.sg.
The Forum strongly encourages readers of the blog to write comments by clicking the “Comments” link below each post. Readers may also receive regular updates on new posts by clicking the RSS link on the right-hand side of the blog.