Graduate Studies Blog

Article contributed by Daryl Ong, Nanyang MBA class of 2018. 

On a bright and cheery Saturday, students from all parts of the world gathered together for their latest MBA conquest, surviving case competition part #3. Through hours of grueling efforts and hard work, they have finally conquered Vijay’s toughest quest to date and needed an avenue to let their hair down.

Fortunately, the day itself falls on a very important celebrated day of the Chinese calendar that the Social and Cultural group has organised – Mid Autumn Festival .

With the people, and the food, and the satisfaction of having food, and the comfort of the environment, the stage was set up for some cultural education. First up we have Sid to show us the history behind this festival and the folklore of the Giant Moon/

In the meantime the crowd was enticed and intuitive with the seduction of his voice and he commanded quite a large amount of attention.

However what we didn’t expect was that the next topic actually captured the audience beyond our imagination. The culture of the wine.

As you can see below, this really captured the audience! Especially when sample tasting was the next event that was about to happen.

With the end of the presentation, the bulk of students were left to mingle and enjoy the event as they see fit. Some even took to the floor and play the very popular, traditional game of Mahjong!

With the success of the event, the night eventually ended and the people, although reluctant, had to bid farewell to the newly established and severely enhanced strong ties with each other as they embark on their next journey in life! Leading People Globally starring Patrick Gibbons.

With that fact, that concludes the blog write-up of the Mid-Autumn Festival. #KThxBye