Graduate Studies Blog

Idehen Egerton Osaretin, Nigerian

I decided to pursue a full-time MBA programme at the age of 45, many thought I was crazy, partly because, in their opinion, what does he still have to learn? After all, he already has two post graduate degrees and numerous executive trainings. Fast-forward a year later, the transformation is glaring for all to see and many have already started attesting to this.

Nanyang Business School (NBS) and indeed the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), where I experienced this transformation, I must admit, is the world best kept secret!

I have over 12-year management level experience, with 6 years at senior management level, within the Telecommunications industry in Nigeria, and have managed large complex teams and projects, yet I felt the need to undergo an MBA programme, so I can be more effective in my current position and be more strategic as I journey professionally towards my ultimate goal of being a top executive or a business owner.

For me, I had three key success factors namely,

  • How well I can learn in practical ways, new business concepts and best business practices with Asian markets success stories of particular interest.
  • How much of networking opportunities and conversion of such opportunities to social capital.
  • How much the MBA would enhance my marketability in the business place.

All these questions were answered in a stellar way during the course of the Nanyang Fellows MBA at the Nanyang Business School.

I have two business prospects that I am about to represent and replicate in Nigeria, and these came about due to the networking opportunities availed me by the programme.

The overall learning experience was mind-blowing; amalgams of rigorous academic programme and fun approaches to learning. I remember dreading courses like finance and Accounting as I figured that I am not a numbers person. My fears were allayed through the unique style of concepts dissemination by the school, which takes consideration the different academic backgrounds of students. Now, reading through financial statements and making sense of different financial and business models is a fun process for me.

The Business Study Mission in Spain and the exposure to the pragmatism of the U.S education as evidenced by the three Universities programmes incorporated into the MBA structures, further served to boost my learning experience.

I have come away from this programme, feeling more equipped to function in any capacity as an executive or even a CEO.

The Nanyang Fellows MBA is highly recommended to experienced executives who are interested in studying for an MBA. For me, NBS was well worth my every time and investment both from personal and professional points of view.


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