Graduate Studies Blog



In celebration of International Friendship Day, our Nanyang EMBA alumni reflected upon how the programme helped them create lasting connections that support their careers.

A steppingstone to unlocking new perspectives

Jessica Dourcy, EMBA Class of 2019
Head of HR,
Palo IT

The Nanyang EMBA programme offers more than just mastery of business knowledge, asserts Jessica Dourcy. It is a journey of self-discovery that challenges senior executives to develop a well-rounded outlook, stronger leadership skills, and more incisive decision-making. Jessica was able to elevate these facets in her professional career, and more, through her time at Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University Singapore (NTU Singapore).

“It truly is a life-changing experience. Your thought process is challenged at its core. You are confronted with points of view, data, analyses, experiences you have never encountered before.”

The NTU experience transformed Jessica’s outlook.  “Everything you thought you knew about the world, business, and ultimately yourself, as a professional undergoes a profound change. As a result, you gain confidence combined with humility, and this leads to opportunities you had never noticed and eventually, to a whole new perception of your potential,” she says.

As Jessica gained new personal perspectives, she believes that her interactions with people from the programme had greatly contributed to her professional growth as well.

“Aside from the curriculum, what I enjoyed the most about my EMBA was the people I met. I have made lifelong friendships along the way. To this day, I still reach out to them and the professors if I need advice on specific work situations,” says the Head of Human Resources at a global tech consultancy company.

NTU’s vibrant campus life had also filled her academic journey with so many treasured memories. “During and after the programme, there have been so many bonding activities and celebrations! We love getting together to work on projects or to simply enjoy each other’s company,” she asserts.

Opening a new path to more career opportunities

Dr Koh Hau-Tek, EMBA Class of 2016
Chief Medical Officer (DY),
Jiahui Health

As a medical practitioner, Dr Koh Hau-Tek has always recognised the growing importance of business management in healthcare. His passion for business management was first ignited when he took up the role of a Medical Director, where he supervised the operations and clinical quality of Singapore’s top healthcare facilities. While learning hard on the job allowed him to gain experience in business development, finance, corporate strategy, and more, it did not satiate his hunger for more knowledge.

The Nanyang EMBA was a life-changing experience for Dr Koh. The profound connections he forged with top professionals from other industries during the programme led him to more career opportunities. Upon graduation, he successfully transitioned to a senior management position in a completely different sector—technology and security—thanks to his course mate’s recommendation.

“The network turned out to be very wide and brimming with opportunities. I never imagined I would make such a radical move in my life!”

Dr Koh is also incredibly grateful for the programme’s world-class faculty and diverse course mates, with whom he had learnt to cultivate a global mindset. “My course mates shared top-notch ideas, and they had different but impressive thought processes. We challenged each other’s thinking; I’ve been able to go beyond my worldview and envision more possibilities.”

Friendships that are built to last over decades

Gladys Wee, EMBA Class of 2012
Teamsystem Construction Pte Ltd

Certain friendships are built to last, especially if they are forged through an intensive and life-enriching environment. For Gladys Wee, that is how she has gained lifelong friends from her time at Nanyang Technological University Singapore (NTU Singapore).

As a director at a construction company, Gladys believes that the Nanyang EMBA had given her the global exposure to think outside the box and connect with more people from the corporate field. “My cohort had an interesting mix of people from various industries, backgrounds, and cultures. These differences helped me think more critically and creatively in tackling problems in my work,” she says.

The programme also helped Gladys build the confidence she needed to move her company forward. She says, “The knowledge-sharing sessions in the class gave me the chance to express my ideas and thoughts as well as learn from others. Some of my peers have become my closest friends, and we all act as a great support system for each other.”

Gladys and her cohort are still in touch to this day. She discloses that her classmates hold gatherings at least once or twice a year. “We always stay connected through our group chat. There’s always something new to discuss every day.”

Her friends from NTU have also been supportive of her philanthropic work. “In 2018, I organised a fundraiser to support a charity. I reached out to my batch mates from the programme, and they were delighted to participate.” The donations gathered from the event were given to a non-profit organisation to help underprivileged children afford better education in the form of bursaries, Gladys shares.

A vast network of supportive professionals

Joshua Yim, EMBA Class of 2017
CEO and Founder,
Achieve Group

Networking goes beyond formal business correspondence for Nanyang Technological University Singapore (NTU Singapore) alumni. Having the willingness to lend an ear to a friend in need can also open a path to accelerate business success, Joshua believes.

When Joshua Yim embarked on his Nanyang EMBA journey, he was excited about the opportunity to upgrade his business toolkit. Little did he know; however, he would soon discover another treasure trove to transform his career by leaps and bounds.

“Being an entrepreneur in the Human Resource (HR) industry, I was compelled to build a greater network within the business community. So, coming to study at NTU was a huge thrill to me as I could enhance my knowledge and skills while building relationships with fellow professionals from my cohort and beyond,” says Joshua, who is the founder of a leading human capital solution company in Singapore.

The Nanyang EMBA programme allowed Joshua and his peers to forge a symbiotic network that serves to enrich each other’s professional development. “My course mates can contact me for free advice and help on recruitment and HR solutions, and in turn, they lead me to new business opportunities.”

He recalls, “Last year, a classmate from the programme—who is now a senior executive in Hong Kong—thought about relocating to Singapore and wanted my advice. He was very grateful for my input and a couple of months later, the same friend had referred me to someone who made an operational inquiry with my business.” This is the power of the network you gain.

The Nanyang Executive MBA is a part-time 13-months programme that is designed for senior leaders aspiring to innovate and transform the way they lead. The programme aims to embrace the connection between business, technology, and innovation to deliver a relevant curriculum to business leaders to excel in global environments and adapt to each new wave of digital change.

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