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Tips from Successful Nanyang EMBA Fathers on Work-Life-Study Balance

Even with a lot on their plates, three executive-level dads are defying conventional limitations of what it means to be a working (and learning) parent.

Despite their daunting responsibilities and demanding schedules, these brave men found ways to excel both in and beyond the classroom—all while fulfilling their duties as devoted husbands and loving fathers.

Just in time for Father’s Day, three remarkable business leaders – all of whom took the leap and enrolled in the Nanyang Executive MBA (EMBA) – are ready to show us how it’s done.

S Nicholas Taposh (EMBA ‘24, CEO of Care-Box Ltd.), Michael Tiew (EMBA ’25, Regional Director of Technical Support for Siemens), and Daniel Haggmark (EMBA ‘21, CEO of Monitor ERP Asia) explain how they’re succeeding in striking that balance:


1. Use your available time wisely

As with all worthwhile pursuits, a Nanyang EMBA requires new participants to make some adjustments. Michael, Daniel and Nicholas knew they had to carve out time for coursework on days they usually spent with their families.

Fortunately, the Nanyang EMBA’s parent- and career-friendly curriculum gave them the freedom they needed to get things done. Consisting of up to two weeks of full-day classes, each segment is spaced two to three months apart, providing ample time for even the busiest of working fathers.

As a business owner with a demanding schedule, Nicholas found this flexibility crucial to his success. “This structure allowed me to balance my professional responsibilities with my academic pursuits,” Nicholas explains. “On weekdays, I committed eight focused hours to work, ensuring productivity and efficiency,” he shares. “I allocated three hours daily for studying, either early in the morning or late at night. This helps me stay on track with my academic goals.”

Nicholas Taposh

Figure 1: Nicholas with his daughter

As a bonus, Nicholas was able to set aside a satisfying amount of dad-daughter bonding time. “As a dad doing an EMBA, staying close to my daughter is very important,” he tells us. “I make sure to spend time with her every day, like having breakfast together, reading a bedtime story, or video calling if I’m away… this makes her feel special and part of my life.

“Balancing school and family can be hard, but these small moments help us stay connected,” Nicholas says.

Michael also made it a point to maximise his available time, making space for his studies without compromising his other life goals. “On weekends, I wake up an hour earlier or sleep an hour later than usual to make time for studying,” he says. “During break times, I read the coursework instead of looking at my phone or the news. I also make sure to delegate my work tasks before each class.”

Creativity allows even the busiest dads to make family time happen alongside their busy work schedules. Daniel, for instance, cleverly combines work and leisure whenever the opportunity arises. “Sometimes, my family joins me on business trips or other events,” Daniel shares. “I think we manage this relatively well.”


2. Set and follow healthy boundaries

To give each life priority its due, Nicholas, Michael, and Daniel proactively set aside dedicated time blocks for each. This means working harder than usual every so often.

Michael made sure to get EMBA and executive work done to make space for family time. He would even work longer hours, powering through his work tasks to achieve this goal. “This allows me to reserve my weekends for family bonding time, which is my top priority,“ he says.

Daniel cautions against giving up one life domain to pursue another. “Being away from your spouse and kids for too long isn’t good nor sustainable,” he explains. “If you push yourself in your career too hard, it will hit you back sooner than later.”

Instead, moderation in all life aspects is the key to consistently performing at your best. “I am 100% sure that if you balance these things, you’ll see much better results and long-term success,” says Daniel.

Nicholas believes ample rest is a major ingredient to striking that successful balance. “I prioritised quality sleep of seven to eight hours for quality rest and mental clarity,” he shares.

However, pulling all these off with demanding programme schedules can be complex. Fortunately, the Nanyang EMBA—made up of six segments over 13 months—provides its students with some much-needed breathing room.

This setup allows Michael to take a short break from work to concentrate on his leadership development studies. “That way, work isn’t impacted as much, and I can still catch up after each segment is over,” shares Michael.

This flexibility fits his work schedule and gives him more family bonding time. With only two overseas segments —one in UC Berkeley and one in Tsinghua University–“I don’t need to be away from my family for long periods or too frequently.” He adds.


3. Lean on your support network

During his most challenging moments, Nicholas relied on his family’s extraordinary support and unwavering belief to fuel his determination.

“My wife is my rock. She handled critical business matters with grace and understanding while I dedicated myself to classes and studies,” he shares. “Knowing I had made them proud was the greatest reward.”

Michael also acknowledges his wife’s support in fulfilling their responsibilities as parents. “She ensures that the girls are cared for when I am away attending classes.”

Such support is necessary when one’s away from home. That’s why Nicholas counts the Nanyang EMBA community as a major pillar of support in his upskilling journey.

“Their willingness to assist, coupled with the spirit of collaboration, made the EMBA experience truly enriching,” he shares. “Together, we shared academic challenges and moments of fun and laughter, forging bonds that went beyond the classroom. Having them by my side gave me the confidence to tackle obstacles and strive for excellence in every aspect of my life.”


4. View challenges as an opportunity for growth

Despite their challenges, Nicholas, Michael, and Daniel feel grateful for everything they’ve learned during their Nanyang EMBA journeys. They also encourage others to follow in their footsteps, believing it can be as much of a positive experience for others.

“Just do it,” says Daniel. “It can open your eyes to how to manage things better. This will help you do better at work, society and your family.”

In case of self-doubt, heed Michael’s reminder: that you’re a business leader who knows how to make things happen. “I believe when there’s a will, there’s a way,” he states. “Don’t think that you can’t make it. You can do more than you think you can.”

Lastly, Nicholas encourages Nanyang EMBA hopefuls to view the programme as an opportunity to break barriers and unleash their full potential. “Seize this moment with courage and enthusiasm, knowing that with dedication and resilience, you can conquer any obstacle and emerge stronger, wiser, and more empowered than ever before.”

Inspired by Nicholas, Daniel, and Michael’s stories? Learn how the Nanyang Executive MBA can help you reach your goals. Visit our website or contact us at to schedule a 1-to-1 discussion on your postgraduate aspirations.


About the Nanyang Executive MBA 

In this rapidly changing world driven by technology, digitalisation, and sustainability, lifelong learning is key to staying ahead of the competition. The Nanyang EMBA equips business leaders with the tools and strategies to lead purposefully in the hyperconnected economy.

This part-time programme offers a career-compatible schedule allowing you to your undivided attention to work and study. The programme’s duration is 13-months with the flexibility to stretch to 2 years to accommodate work demands.

Visit our website at or download the brochure to learn more about the programme and available funding options.


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