Fluids & Structures (FSI / Aero-servo-elasticity)
- Fluid-structure interaction is common across multiple applications including aerospace, wind energy, bridges, water columns, etc. which has serious implication in determining stability and loads.
- The research here is focused on aero-servo-elasticity to derive models that are efficient and in a form suitable for controls. Here, we couple a description of the composite beam model with both flexible and rigid body dynamics, to a fluids module (unsteady vortex-lattice method) in state-space form for fast and efficient simulations.
- The application is in aircraft (flexible aircraft, eVTOL, drones), rotary systems (wind turbines, tidal turbines and helicopters), etc.
Flutter experiments
Fluid Mechanics
- Fluid mechanics have wide applications across many fields of interest and here, we undertake both numerical (CFD) and experimental (wind and water tunnels) investigations to evaluate aerodynamic/hydrodynamic performances and flow fields characteristics.
- Of interest are unsteady aerodynamics, passive and active flow control for drag reduction, energy harvesting as well as vortex shedding and interactions.
- In addition, the group is also involved in simulation of urban flow field, multi-phase flows, understanding loads and controls of energy systems as well as improving numerical efficiency through data-driven techniques.
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Lightweight structures
- With Industry 4.0 and advancement in manufacturing technologies, new opportunities are created for the design and realisation of lightweight materials with topologically optimised structures.
- Fundamental research is pursued in the area of bio-inspired hierarchical topologies, with numerical and experimental studies to investigate dynamic responses such as energy absorption and vibration characteristics.
Flow Control Through Bio-inspired Leading-Edge Tubercles New, T.H. and Ng, B.F. (eds). Springer Nature, Cham, 2020. DOI This is the first book to document the novel concept of bio-inspired leading-edge tubercles derived from humpback whale flippers. It provides a practical guide to key scientific and engineering aspects of leading-edge tubercles, leading from the aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, noise attenuation, stability and applications. |
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Book Chapter
Ng, B.F., Ong, E.J.G., Palacios, R. and New, T.H., 2020. Effects of leading-edge tubercles on structural dynamics and aeroelasticity. Flow Control Through Bio-inspired Leading-Edge Tubercles: Morphology, Aerodynamics, Hydrodynamics and Applications, pp.147-173. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23792-9_7
Journal Articles
- Liu, Y., Wang, L., and Ng, B.F., 2024. Multitask-Transfer-Learning Method for Random-Force Frequency Identification Considering Multisource Uncertainties. AIAA Journal. https://doi.org/10.2514/1.J064860
- Ang, E.H.W. and Ng, B.F., 2024. Genetic algorithm LQG and neural network controllers for gust response alleviation of flying wing unmanned aerial vehicles. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 130, p.104199. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2024.104199
- Liu, Y., Wang, L. and Ng, B.F., 2024. A hybrid model-data-driven framework for inverse load identification of interval structures based on physics-informed neural network and improved Kalman filter algorithm. Applied Energy, 359, p.122740. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.122740
- Ang, E.H.W., Leo, D.J., Tan, J.K., Tay, J.C.M., Cui, Y.D., Ng, B.F., 2023. Wind Tunnel Experiments of Bending-Torsion and Body-Freedom Flutter on Flying Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Aerospace Science and Technology, p. 108798. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ast.2023.108798
- Mohamed, M.A., Teo, Z.W., New, T.H. and Ng, B.F., 2023. On the numerical assessment of engine exhaust plumes with a scaled cowling. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/09544100231203408
- Liu, Y., Wang, L. and Ng, B.F., 2023. Load-independent multi-objective sensor placement method for localization and reconstruction of external excitations under interval uncertainties. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 416, p.116344. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2023.116344
- Zhang, E.T., Liu, H. and Ng, B.F., 2023. Mechanics of Re-Entrant Anti-Trichiral Honeycombs with Nature-Inspired Gradient Distributions. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 259, p.108597. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2023.108597
- Mohamed, M.A., Wood, D. and Ng, B.F., 2023. Adding a Simple Production Term to Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Turbulence Models for Flows over Two-Dimensional Hills. Physics of Fluids, 35, p.065135. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0151320
- Mohamed, M.A., New, T.H. and Ng, B.F., 2023. Modelling of fire-suppressant injection into engine nacelle for various flight regimes. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/09544100231181866
- Ang, E.H.W., Wang, G. and Ng, B.F., 2023. Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Low Reynolds Number Flows over Cylinder. Energies, 16(12), p.4558. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/en16124558
- Zhou, J., Ng, B.F., Han, N., Chen, L., Wang, Z., Li, X. and Zou, M., 2023. Structure and mechanical properties of ladybird elytra as biological sandwich panels. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, p.105917. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmbbm.2023.105917
- Thanaraj, T., Low, K.H. and Ng, B.F., 2023. Actuator fault detection and isolation on multi-rotor UAV using extreme learning neuro-fuzzy systems. ISA transactions. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isatra.2023.02.026
- Zhou, J., Ng, B.F., Han, N., Xu, S. and Zou, M., 2023. Crashworthiness and optimization of bionic sandwich cores under out-of-plane compression. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, p.108137. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2023.108137
- Cheawchan, A., Mohamed, M.A., Ng, B.F. and New, T.H., 2023. Flow Structures of Wishbone Vortex Generators and Their Interactions with a Backward-Facing Ramp. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 36(1), p.04022120. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1061/JAEEEZ.ASENG-4537
- Liu, H., Zhang, E.T., Wang, G. and Ng, B.F., 2022. In-plane crushing behavior and energy absorption of a novel graded honeycomb from hierarchical architecture. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 221, p.107202. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2022.107202
- Cheawchan, A.U., Mohamed, M.A., Ng, B.F. and New, T.H., 2022. A numerical investigation on flow past skewed vortex generators ahead of a backward facing ramp. Aerospace Science and Technology, 123, p.107435. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ast.2022.107435
- Liu, H. and Ng, B.F., 2022. Dynamic response of density-graded foam subjected to soft impact. Composite Structures, 284, p.115145. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.115145
- Zhang, E.T., Liu, H. and Ng, B.F., 2021. Novel arc-shaped ligaments to enhance energy absorption capabilities of re-entrant anti-trichiral structures. Composites Part B: Engineering, 227, p.109366. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.109366
- Liu, H., Chng, Z.X.C., Wang, G. and Ng, B.F., 2021. Crashworthiness improvements of multi-cell thin-walled tubes through lattice structure enhancements. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 210, p.106731. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2021.106731
- Toh, Y.H. and Ng, B.F., 2021. Eddy viscosity modeling around curved boundaries through bifurcation approach and theory of rotating turbulence. Physics of Fluids, 33(7), p.075118. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0056680
- Liu, H., Zhang, E.T. and Ng, B.F., 2021. In-plane dynamic crushing of a novel honeycomb with functionally graded fractal self-similarity. Composite Structures, 270, p.114106. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.114106
- Cheawchan, A.U., Wen, Y., Teo, Z.W., Ng, B.F. and New, T.H., 2021. Flow behavior of skewed vortex generators on a backward-facing ramp. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 235(15), pp.2299-2314. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0954410021996181
- Wei Teo, Z., Wong, W. H., Lee, Z. W., New, T.H. and Ng, B.F., 2021. Characteristics of helicopter engine exhaust through scaled experiments using stereoscopic particle image velocimetry. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 235(9), pp.1091-1104. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0954410020966471
- Zhang, N., Liu, H., Ng, B.F. and Low, K.H., 2020. Collision probability between intruding drone and commercial aircraft in airport restricted area based on collision-course trajectory planning. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies, 120, p.102736. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2020.102736
- Wei, X., Ng, B.F. and Zhao, X., 2019. Aeroelastic load control of large and flexible wind turbines through mechanically driven flaps. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 356(14), pp.7810-7835. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfranklin.2019.02.030
- Liu, H., Ding, S. and Ng, B.F., 2019. Impact response and energy absorption of functionally graded foam under temperature gradient environment. Composites Part B: Engineering, 172, pp.516-532. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2019.05.072
- Yan, T., Wang, R., Bao, Y., Zhou, D., Zhu, H.B., Ping, H., Han, Z.L. and Ng, B.F., 2018. Modification of turbulent wake characteristics by two small control cylinders at a subcritical Reynolds number. Physics of Fluids, 30(10), p.105106. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5046447
- Ng, B.F., Palacios, R. and Graham, J.M.R., 2017. Model-based aeroelastic analysis and blade load alleviation of offshore wind turbines. International journal of control, 90(1), pp.15-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00207179.2015.1068456
- Ng, B.F., New, T.H. and Palacios, R., 2016. Effects of leading-edge tubercles on wing flutter speeds. Bioinspiration & biomimetics, 11(3), p.036003. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-3190/11/3/036003
- Ng, B.F., Palacios, R., Kerrigan, E.C., Graham, J.M.R. and Hesse, H., 2016. Aerodynamic load control in horizontal axis wind turbines with combined aeroelastic tailoring and trailing‐edge flaps. Wind Energy, 19(2), pp.243-263. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/we.1830
- Ng, B.F., Hesse, H., Palacios, R., Graham, J.M.R. and Kerrigan, E.C., 2015. Aeroservoelastic state‐space vortex lattice modeling and load alleviation of wind turbine blades. Wind Energy, 18(7), pp.1317-1331. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/we.1752