A new semester is fast approaching and with that, assignment and report deadlines are surely making their way back to you. Fret not, NTU Library is here to help you complete them on time by getting you started on a reference management software!

What is a reference management software?

A reference management software helps to store, organise, and retrieve all your references in one place. You can easily cite them in your work and produce bibliographies in your required referencing style (APA6th, IEEE, etc.,) while writing.

What are in-text citations / references?

Below are examples of an in-text citation and a reference. You would usually be required to include this in your assignment or report.

In-Text Citation
Maclean (2006) asserts that business communication has experienced major changes caused by the expansion of companies across the globe.
Maclean, D. (2006).  Beyond English: Transnational corporations and the strategic management of language in a complex multilingual business environment.  Management Decision, 44(10), 1377 – 1390.

How can a reference management software help you?

It can help you to:

  • Write faster – Insert in-text citations simultaneously while creating a bibliography
  • Change citation styles – Instantly from thousands of citation styles
  • Research better – Store all your full-text pdf articles in one place for reading
  • Stay organised – Add notes, annotations and organise your references in groups for different assignments and projects
  • Collaborate online – Share references when working in groups or for collaboration projects
  • Access your references – Anytime, anywhere from the cloud from multiple devices

How to get started?

NTU library provides training, support, and consultation on the following software: EndNote, Mendeley and Zotero.

NTU also has a subscription of EndNote. Students and staff can download and use it on their personal computers during their course of study or employment at NTU.

EndNote 20 is now available!

New version release


Key highlights of EndNote 20 include:

Redesigned modern interface ✓
Reference summary which puts critical information first ✓
Redesigned easy search experience ✓
Redesigned PDF viewer with annotation tool ✓

Download EndNote 20 here.

For more on Reference Management Software, training, support and consultation visit our LibGuide