Supporting 3D modeling in the academic library

An increased number of academic libraries are providing access to nontraditional technologies including 3D printers, 3D scanners, laser cutters, and more. However, these new equipment offerings require users to learn new literacies and skills in order to fully utilize them and realize their full potential to impact creativity and innovation on campus. The purpose of this paper is to share how one academic library is providing services and resources to help users acquire the necessary 3D modeling skills to design and successfully 3D print new knowledge objects. Read More

About Chua Junjie

Junjie is a Scholarly Communication librarian (research impact and copyright). He has an honours degree in Psychology from NUS and a Masters of Information Studies from NTU. In his free time, he enjoys learning foreign languages, playing the piano, fine arts, fiddling with R programming, inferential statistics – e.g. GLMs, predictive modelling & more.

14. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
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