The Rise of Smart Cities

With more than 60 per cent of the world’s population expected to be urban residents by 2050, the challenge to build more “smart cities” has become urgent. With the advent of digital technology and big data, changes are afoot, be it in public transportation, citizen services or the way businesses are run. To discuss these changes and evaluate the processes under way, one of France’s leading newspapers, Le Monde, in partnership with The Straits Times, is organising a conference titled “Smart Cities: Which visions and models for the 21st century?” at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. Read More

About Chua Junjie

Junjie is a Scholarly Communication librarian (research impact and copyright). He has an honours degree in Psychology from NUS and a Masters of Information Studies from NTU. In his free time, he enjoys learning foreign languages, playing the piano, fine arts, fiddling with R programming, inferential statistics – e.g. GLMs, predictive modelling & more.

21. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
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