Facebook’s solar-powered internet drone takes its first flight

Facebook’s drone fleet will use “free space laser communications” to communicate between individual aircraft, and radio technology to beam the internet signal from the fleet to receivers located on the ground. The laser technology delivers data 10 times faster than current state-of-the-art competitors and can target an area the size of a dime (about 18mm) from over 10 miles away. Read More

About Chua Junjie

Junjie is a Scholarly Communication librarian (research impact and copyright). He has an honours degree in Psychology from NUS and a Masters of Information Studies from NTU. In his free time, he enjoys learning foreign languages, playing the piano, fine arts, fiddling with R programming, inferential statistics – e.g. GLMs, predictive modelling & more.

22. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
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