Creating inspired employees

Singapore-headquartered agri-business Olam International operates in 70 countries worldwide, producing and supplying commodities such as cocoa, coffee, and rice. It is the world’s top supplier of cashew nuts among other items, and counts as its customers food giants such as McDonald’s (onions), Nestle (cocoa), and Starbucks (coffee).
With 2016 sales exceeding S$20 billion (approximately US$15.5 billion) and a 70,000-strong workforce, co-founder and CEO Sunny Verghese says it’s impossible for senior management in Singapore to “oversee systems and structures of the whole company”. The secret of the 28-year-old company’s success and rapid expansion, Verghese explains, is autonomy. Read More

About Chua Junjie

Junjie is a Scholarly Communication librarian (research impact and copyright). He has an honours degree in Psychology from NUS and a Masters of Information Studies from NTU. In his free time, he enjoys learning foreign languages, playing the piano, fine arts, fiddling with R programming, inferential statistics – e.g. GLMs, predictive modelling & more.

22. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
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