The Missing Link? Using Reflection to Advance Qualitative Evaluation and Assessment in Libraries and Information Services

As a result of attending the workshop, participants will gain:
• fuller understanding of reflective practice and its relevance to library assessment;
• practice in reflective thinking, reflective writing, and reflective dialogue;
• raised awareness of tools supporting reflective practice in particular contexts;
• continuing access to bespoke documentation, including early sight of project findings.

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About Chua Junjie

Junjie is a Scholarly Communication librarian (research impact and copyright). He has an honours degree in Psychology from NUS and a Masters of Information Studies from NTU. In his free time, he enjoys learning foreign languages, playing the piano, fine arts, fiddling with R programming, inferential statistics – e.g. GLMs, predictive modelling & more.

22. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
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