Tag Archives for Happenings

Commentary: Is private higher education in Singapore a ‘second chance’ option?

The perception that a private degree education is a “second chance” for those not accepted into public universities is prevalent among the general public, including administrators, educators and even private education students themselves. Read More

26. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
Categories: General, University Collections & Archives | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

Expedition led by NTU goes after mystery quakes

A university-led international expedition sets sail today to shed light on mysterious earthquakes. Helmed by Professor Satish Singh, a visiting professor at the Nanyang Technological University’s (NTU) Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS), the team will cover at least 150,000 sq … Continue reading

26. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
Categories: General, University Collections & Archives | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

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