Tag Archives for Library Design

You are here: Home / Get Moving | Library Design – Encouraging activity in today’s libraries

Quality 21st-century library design focuses on human health and well-being. Creating healthy indoor environments that physically connect us to the outdoors, offer access to daylight and views, and motivate us to move our bodies more is critical, since, according to … Continue reading

26. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
Categories: Spaces, Facilities & Programming | Tags: | Leave a comment

University Libraries Break Ground on High-Density Storage Facility

A high-density storage facility is under construction off Hill Avenue in south Fayetteville, designed to house University Libraries items in a climate-controlled environment. The 27,000-square-foot storage facility will hold approximately 1.8 million volumes when filled to capacity. The facility will … Continue reading

26. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
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