Tag Archives for Library Impact

Libraries and Archives and the Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage: Defining a Research Agenda

‘Given the importance of intangible heritage to the cultural and scholarly record, we believe that a more significant research program regarding libraries’ and archives’ contributions to the preservation of intangible heritage would be of benefit to both the scholarly community … Continue reading

22. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
Categories: General | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

Communicating Value Across the University: Library Assessment Across Academic, Student, and Administrative Afffairs

A recent survey of US library directors has identified concerns in regard to their ability to communicate library contributions to student success to senior leadership and other institutional stakeholders, and to communicate the ways in which academic libraries contribute to … Continue reading

22. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
Categories: Planning, Research & Analytics | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

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