Tag Archives for Scholarship

Big data, little data, or no data? Scholarship and stewardship to build the UC digital library

The University of California has pioneered digital library services for the last four decades, since the early days of Melvyl and the Division of Library Automation. These services now encompass bibliographic records, digital content, research data, and more. Data stewardship … Continue reading

02. April 2018 by Chua Junjie
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Altmetrics, Legacy Scholarship, and Scholarly Legacy

When using alternative metrics (altmetrics) to investigate the impact of a scholar’s work, researchers and librarians are typically cautioned that altmetrics will be less useful for older works of scholarship. This is because it is difficult to collect social media … Continue reading

26. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
Categories: Scholarly Publishing & Impact | Tags: , | Leave a comment

New Graduation Data on Pell Recipients Reveals a Gap in Outcomes

These data reveal significant gaps in degree completion by Pell status – and a lot of talent left on the table. Read More

26. February 2018 by Chua Junjie
Categories: Development & Endowment, Scholarly Publishing & Impact | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

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