
Road map:

Summary of agile development approach:

PART 1 – Hardware development
  1. Arduino sensors testing

Develop hardware version 1(June 1st to June 23rd )



2. Arduino UI Programming

Develop hardware version 2 (June 24th to July 6th)

With our first version of the product, we decided to move to version 2. And these following features got completed:

– Focus on data detection & visualization.

– Able to connect data for light, and touch buttons.

– Translate data into a more visualized presentation to perform the emotion of the plants.

3. Feature modification

Develop hardware version 3 (July 7th to July 28th)

Based on version 2, we decided to move to version 3. And we planned to complete these features.

– Focus on data visualization & gamification.

– Connect growing plants with stress management.

– Able to detect timing data.

– Users can communicate with plants.


Develop hardware version 4 (July 28th to Present)

Based on the feedback from users, professors and internal evaluation. We did some changes based on Version 3 of the product.

– Add a watering system to the plant, so that users can easily water the plant, and the moisture detection is more accurate.

– Define the guideline for Screen & buttons, to make the product consistent to use in all scenarios.

– Use a gesture sensor to detect some of the gestures from users, to make the product more interactive.

– Design a demo mode to make it more user-friendly to run user testing.

Solve some internal bugs.

After building all of these, we are finally able to test our final product.





PART 2 – software development
  1. Prototype design
  2. Selection of platform to connect
    1. Arduino original IoT   
    2. Third party platform
      1. Cayenne
      2. Wappsto
      3. USB data download

3. Connection configuration for IoT cloud

    • The hardware and software connection wasn’t stable and difficult to trouble shoot. So we traced the issue layer by layer and conducted A/B testing to understand detailed down, which component caused the issue
    • Wi-Fi signal issue – We tried different Wi-Fi credentials, but didn‘t manage to
    • Coding logic not passing data to IoT – we tried the sample codes from Arduino to test out data connection issue
    • Hardware break down – we tried reconnect with a new device from Mr Tony, and the problem got solved automatically.
    • It is so un-expected the issue comes from hardware itself, but through the iteration
  1. Raise requirement and build advanced feature together with hardware development
PART 3 -3D Modelling

1. Modeling Version 1

2. Printing Version 1

The fitness of each individual component is our focus

3. Modification for versatile containment
    1. water pump  2. Flower pot