After some behind-the-scenes testing of prototypes, we decided to add a ring of LED lights around the top of the device to allow for easier debugging and testing by the user when problems eventually come up.
Previously, we found difficulty finding out the problems unless directly connected to the Arduino and reading off from the console. When testing the device on-site, we cannot ensure the device is appropriately working without checking the cloud server.
With the installation of the LED, it allows for easier checking of the device when doing long-term testing. If there is any error in the program bootup, the LED will turn red signaling something is wrong. This can help us, while testing, to see if any connections are missing or if the code is wrong. The LED also shows progress of the code being processed. Colorful lights mean the boot up is successful.
The LED will shine a solid ring of light that shows the progress of taking data samples and transferring it