overview timeline
the first time that the group meets and come together to get to know each other and discuss our fields of interest. an ideasjam session from the afternoon till late in the evening have us finalizing our idea.
our first presentation to propose our general idea went smoothly and was well received. we received quite a bit of feedback and questions that only helped to propel us further. we were also introduced to an industry partner that evening via email. | ‘stop stealing my cardigan Ali!’ ~stella
first design of our envisioned buoy. though it may not look like much, it is a proud, first step for our team!
with the official commencement of the special term, we placed the orders for all our electronic parts. | and there goes our money…flying away
after coming up with our first design/prototype, we further improved on it and settled with our second one
after much iterations, we have finalized the design of our buoy.
our first official presentation whereby we showcased our developed idea and progress thus far to a panel of judges comprising of professors and doctors alike, along with some students.
We created a dashboard to show the charted results of the data collected by the buoy.
Finally got the code and design of the dispensers up and going!
Just had a check with Singtel if a SMS gateway is available as one of their provided services. Unfortunately, it is not. We need a new plan. Fast.
We went down to QianHu Fish Farm where we finally were able to test out the buoy.
We decided to change some things about our dispenser. This is the finalized version.