Prototype: Block Diagram and Illustration

After watching following the video…..


We realized that the dumpling-making process can be split into 6 steps, as depicted in the block diagram.


Starting with the loading of the dumpling skin, it is then pressed down on the mould. The meat is then dispensed onto the skin in step 3. In step 4, the dumpling is closed as the mould closes. Afterwards, the mould is opened, and the dumpling skin is unloaded.

To keep our machine simple 脑袋空空, we decided to make the loading and unloading of the dumpling skin manual. Our priority is to automate the dispensing of meat onto the dumpling skin and the wrapping of the dumpling skin. While the former still involves motors, we plan to automate the wrapping of the dumpling skin without motors (just like the video), reducing the number of control systems needed. 


We kept the automation of pressing of dumpling skin optional as we think that it has less impact on the time saved should it be automated since the pressing of the dumpling skin can be done with relative ease.  

We also illustrated our design:  

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