Dr Ho gave everyone a brief rundown of what MnT entails.
- Roles and Responsibilities
Each group will have a Leader, Finance and Procurement, Secretarial Support and Records, Communications and Planning and Safety Officer.
- Assessment/Submission/Prizes
Rubrics include originality, clever use of science, effort, craftsmanship and functionality.
Prizes are awarded for Best Project, Most Innovative Idea and Best Design and Craftsmanship.
- Available Equipment
Any mechanical and electronic equipment available in the MnT lab and 3D printers.
- Budget
Total budget amounts up to $2000. Small purchases under $100 can be bought without much discretion. Larger purchases above $100 should seek approval from Profs or Tony before purchasing.
- Safety and Risk Assessment
Watch safety videos, complete safety quiz and submit individual risk assessments before work can be done in the lab.
- Additional general pointers
Project does not need to have any practical value, expect to include 3D printed parts and be prepared to extend the project should shipment issues arise.