5th July, 2:00PM, Making & Tinkering Lab
Shawn, Hung, Kang Hao, Xinhui
We are required to put a holder for the Rubik Cube so that the Rubik Cube will not shake or change position when we are drawing on the Rubik Cube. The evolution is as below:

The sequence of the holder starts from left to right.
The first prototype is just a test for the size of the Rubik Cube to ensure it fits in the box.
The second prototype is testing for the width of the hole for the flipper prototype 2 to go through it. Aside from that, a thin inner layer is added to the wall of the holder to ensure the Rubik Cube stay firm in the holder and will not shake.
The third prototype (black) is testing for flipper prototype 2 where we integrate the holder in flipper prototype 2.
The fourth prototype (most right) is designed to let the Rubik Cube slide in more easily. The original prototype (1,2,3) has a straight wall on all sides. This prototype Rubik Cube holder has slight curvature on the wall to let the Rubik Cube slide down when flipping easily.
7th July, 10:00AM, Making & Tinkering Lab
Shawn, Hung, Kang Hao, Xinhui
And now we need to integrate the z motor and the flipper together! We are planning to design and 3D print a pulley to turn the z-axis of the motor as shown in the image below.

However, the mounting between the pulley and the base is quite loose and the whole holder will topple down when flipping as shown in the video below.
Hence, we redesigned the Rubik Cube Holder and made use of a ball bearing to have a better connection as shown below (TBC).