Learning Experience

Sung Yeon: Through MnT, I have learnt different skills outside my expertise such arduino, and structural design. By doing things out of my scope, it made me think in a different perspective allowing me to also apply this to my own studies by thinking in a different way. Structural design was especially engaging and fun as I learnt how to CAD and designed the whole infrastructure for our setup. Overall it has been a long and tough journey with various setbacks which once again made me understand and realise the importance of teamwork and communication.


Qilun: Through MnT, I have gained a plethora of skillsets that I did not expect to gain prior to this project. Skills such as electronics connections and circuitry design, and integrating software with hardware to make the system functional all provided me with invaluable insights on the interdisciplinary nature of real-life projects. On top of that, collaborating with peers from different majors also taught me lessons on the importance of teamwork and effective communication of ideas This journey had its fair share of ups and downs, with many unforgettable moments forged along the way. It gave me a glimpse of the world of engineering and served as a good bridge between the theories we learn in class to industrial applications in the modern world. The hard and soft skills picked up will benefit me for years to come.


Fabiola: MnT has taught me the importance of communication and teamwork, as well as new skills such as 3D printing and circuitry. It has also taught me how to work well and solve problems under pressure, and manage my time in long-term projects. Although the journey has been arduous and difficult, I’m grateful for all the lessons I have learnt from the experience.


Ka Shing: Overall, MnT has been an enriching journey that taught me many valuable skills such as leadership. Through the past 6 months, I have gained a deeper understanding of what it means to be an effective leader and learnt more on how to navigate complex team dynamics. I have also explored and learnt many new concepts through MnT, such as how to use the IoT which has honed my programming and problem-solving skills. MnT has been a holistic learning experience, and I am thankful for the learnings I have received which I believe will no doubt enhance my academic knowledge, but also in other aspects of my life.


Joycelyn: MnT opened my eyes to many different concepts I had little to no knowledge of previously, like the intricacies behind electronics and circuitry or IoT. It has also provided me with new experiences, such as engaging in hands-on soldering or creating a blog, that I would not have been exposed to otherwise. Additionally, the module offered me a chance to hone some of my existing skillsets such as storyboarding, video editing and graphic design.