What is Gorilla.irl?
It is the real life version of the online 90s game ‘Gorilla.bas’. Since Gorilla.bas itself is a retro game, we also wanted to make sure to keep the retro game feel by recreating physical arcade-like controls. We also added various sound effects to add to create a more engaging gaming experience.

Since the original game relies heavily on the concept of projectile motion, we hope that the physical Gorilla.irl is able to illustrate the concept. We hope that through the game, players are able to grasp the physics concept while having fun.

Scroll down to see our overall progression from the online game to our final product!

Project Progression

It began with the original Gorilla.bas game

…and then came our initial sketch


This came after we decided to create a fully physical game

From there we made a cardboard prototype


This helped us quickly get a sensing of the full scale of our project.

And we eventually got our final product!


It is truly touching to see the evolution from our cardboard prototype to its current acrylic form.

…with considerations for packaging and storage

We even made a way to store it easily!

Below is a 3D model of our final product for better visualisation.