We’ve been trying to figure out the nitty gritty of the bottle design, including the lock mechanism. After several failed designs, we are trying to test out threads.
We also desoldered the Arduinos and OLED screen to save some space, and completed modifications of the fogger driver boards.
We made many design changes to the prototype. A base to store electronics with holes for airflow was designed, and the outer bottle was modified accordingly. Previously, the silica cages will be slotted from the bottom of the outer bottle. Now, the silica cages will instead be slotted from the sides of the outer bottle. The solid base of the outer bottle is replaced with three planks to hold six silica cages. This is so that air can flow in from the electronics base, while also ensuring heat generated from electronics can be dissipated. Holes for wires to pass through the side of the mid cap were added. The mid cap height is reduced by 23mm, since the new motor and fan takes up little space.