

Big Day!
Big Day!

Today was a big day. After finally splitting open our newly ordered commercial evaporative cooler (thanks Shopee for the setback…), the team discovers something truly special. A piezoelectric ultrasonic fogger may just solve their water pump problems. For context, Sahil and Arthur were struggling for some time to figure out…Read More

Soldering & Tachometering
Soldering & Tachometering

Sahil and Arthur spend some time soldering and using the tachometer, which took much longer than expected because the 3D printed material was fairly reflective.

Sharing Session 2
Sharing Session 2

Jin Feng and Arthur present on behalf of the group. Tachometer is #approved. We’re really moving now.

3D Printing & A Make-Shift Fan
3D Printing & A Make-Shift Fan

Did I mention that Arthur is a genius? Today he 3D printed a fan model, and created a stand out of what I can only assume is Lego.

Modelling Begins
Modelling Begins

Gigi Hadid who? THIS is true modelling. 2 of our members are off in Bali busy looking at rocks, but Jin Feng is hard at work on SolidWorks, creating the first models for airflow simulations.

More Tinkering
More Tinkering

Inspired by our overseas learning trips, we’re ready to rumble. Alas, innovation comes not without setbacks. We ordered an evaporative cooler from Shopee and it arrived busted. Still, we tinkered with other things like the water pump and some basic electronics.

The Birth of QWACC // Sharing Session 1
The Birth of QWACC // Sharing Session 1

We officially present our new, revolutionary idea – QWACC. Quality Water-Assisted Cooling Canteen. A water bottle cum portable fan with evaporative cooling capabilities cum portable charger. Fully functional fall safety detection. Venturi effect has mostly been dropped but our inspiration is still attributed to it. That is innovation, after all:…Read More


Tinkering in Gabriel’s room… It’s all coming together… We eat, sleep, dream Venturi effect…

RIP Piano

Like a turkey on Thanksgiving, our idea for a roll out piano is shot down. Too complex, too impractical, an all-round bad idea. Time to start from scratch. Upon further research, Sahil finds an article on the Venturi effect being used to cool air in Bangladesh using no energy. Inspiration…Read More

Initial Ideation
Initial Ideation

Alright, let’s get this MnT thing rolling. We’ve got a dream team of Arthur, Gabriel, Jin Feng, Jedidiah and Sahil. It’s brainstorm time… getting the creative juices flowing…. A ha! We’ve decided on our product – a roll out piano.