#06 – 14/05 Air? Land?…Sea?

#06 – 14/05 Air? Land?…Sea?

Upon further discussion, we decided that the use of robot dogs to disperse seeds would not be feasible in terms of cost and suitability. Additionally, building a robot dog takes too much time and skills that we are not able to achieve within our 3 month time period and buying a new one to use as a base is simply not an option as they are too expensive.

As such, the next possible option we decided to look at are aerial drones, inspired by existing projects such as the one done by Mr. Beast and Mark Robert (https://youtu.be/U7nJBFjKqAY). However, we decided to scrap that idea once again. Even though it is effective in travelling over uneven terrain, we realized that it will need to be large, with sufficient motor strength to both carry its own weight and those added on by the seeds. As such, we decided to use the rocker bogie design, inspired by the Mars Rover . Not only is it within our group leader’s field of experience, it is able to travel over rocky terrains.

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