The ESP32 arrived today, so we tested the servo with it. We also learnt that translational + rotational steering is called differential serve. We flashed raspbian and got pi to boot, and pi 3 is working, but it can only run melodic and not Nordic, hence we are installing pi4 to install Ubuntu 20 for noetic.We hope to control 26gp 555 with the driver and esp32 tomorrow
Author: funj0001
#9 – 29 & 30/05 What’s Next?
The 3D print of our revised seed disperser (prototype 2) was collected, however further revision will be required. The design comprises of a long , thin, rod that makes it difficult to print (requires a support) and very fragile due to its plastic material. We also explored different types of brush and brushless motors, and how we can utilize Arduino in our design. Additionally, we acquired motors of the same model, raspberry pi and started printing the first prototype of the rocker bogie’s legs
#8 – 26/05 Revision of Seed Dispenser
The 3D modelling of the seed dispenser was revised from having a total of 5 holes of 3.5cm to a total of 3 holes of 3.5cm to reduce the overall size and weight of the seed disperser.
Some items were also procured (list) and the total weight of the system was lowered from 20kg to 10kg to decrease the strain placed on the support system. Additionally, the use of rocker bogie system in our vehicle was confirmed to disperse the seeds and travel through the expected rocky terrain. We found a suitable motor model for it (36GP 555) and acquired servo motor for the seed dispenser system
#7 – 18/05 Presentation Conquered!
We had our first class presentation today were introduced ourselves, share our vision, rough sketch, a Gantt chart and component cost break down. This then allow us to gather feedback from our professors to make our project aim more realistic. Additionally we were able to 3D model and print our first prototype of of the seed disperser. We took inspiration from the gaps happen system to drop our seeds from the vehicle similarly to how toy capsules are dropped. A round base piece filled with holes (5 holes, 3.5cm diameter) collects the seed pod in each hole, rotating it will align its hole with a 2nd piece with a single hole below to allow the seed pod to fall through.
#06 – 14/05 Air? Land?…Sea?
Upon further discussion, we decided that the use of robot dogs to disperse seeds would not be feasible in terms of cost and suitability. Additionally, building a robot dog takes too much time and skills that we are not able to achieve within our 3 month time period and buying a new one to use as a base is simply not an option as they are too expensive.
As such, the next possible option we decided to look at are aerial drones, inspired by existing projects such as the one done by Mr. Beast and Mark Robert ( However, we decided to scrap that idea once again. Even though it is effective in travelling over uneven terrain, we realized that it will need to be large, with sufficient motor strength to both carry its own weight and those added on by the seeds. As such, we decided to use the rocker bogie design, inspired by the Mars Rover . Not only is it within our group leader’s field of experience, it is able to travel over rocky terrains.
#05 – 10/05 This ends now! -Sojourn, 2022
We had an online meeting to discuss the potential and challenges on the 2 ideas: All-in-one soil sensor and a seed dispersing robot dog. Between the two we eventually decided to use the idea of a seed dispersing robot dog to aid with reforestation as the all-in-one soil sensor comes with too much challenges that we are unable to tackle within the 3 month frame period. Additionally, the seed-dispersing dog have similar existing projects that we are able to refer from.
#04 – 09/05 Beginner 3D Modelling Class
A 3D modelling class was hosted by Prof. Han Yang For us to become familiar with the interface and different tools available for us to model the parts necessary to create our prototype . We were able to create very basic shape and send a small, very blocky capybara for printing. We also consulted Prof. Han yang regarding our idea of the ‘all-in-one soil sensor’ and was disheartened to find out that it is extremely challenging and unsuitable for the 3 months project period we were given. Some things that we failed to take into consideration include
1) How will electricity be supplied to each individual sensor that will be dispersed over multiple plot of farms (Have its own electricity supply?)
2) How will information of soil health collected by the soil sensor be transferred for viewing (wifi?)
#3 – 08/05 Safety First!
All students of Making & Tinkering PS5888 Gathered to attend a safety briefing conducted by Dr.Ho to understand the safety procedures and safety concerns related to our project. Some common safety hazard such as the heat hazard (from the nozzle) of the 3D printer and mechanical hazards from the tools in the lab was addressed. Additionally, each member were required to do a quick quiz and submit a risk assessment to address potential hazards with the use of risk matrix to show our understanding in the importance of safety while in the lab.
#2 – 5/05 First Official Group Meeting
The first group meeting with all 5 members! We decided to take a step back and consider corner potential ideas for our project while using the SDG goals are our parameter. The SDG goals we looked at includes: 6: Clean Water & Sanitation, 7 : Affordable & Clean Energy, 13: Climate Action, 14: Life Below Water and 15: Life on Land. Besides the first idea, we discussed the possibility of having a communal water filter that collects rain water to provide drinkable water to the public (6: Clean Water & Sanitation). Additionally, we looked into gap having an all in one soil sensor to analyse soil health to help farmers to prescribe a more accurate dosage of fertiliser and pesticide to reduce chemical run off (14: Life Below Water + 15: Life on Land)
#1 – 31/3 First Meeting!
3 of our members gathered today to meet one another and Dr. Ho to discuss aspects in Making & Engineering we wish to explore in our project, in relation to the theme of sustainability. More specifically Jeremy, our dear group leader, was passionate about exploring and building an automobile vehicle and showing everyone his YouTube video (which you can check out here -> We discussed on the possibility having a robot dog that is capable of dispersing seeds to aid with reforestation in Indonesia.