Seed Pods
Design Specification
The cat litter used (Tadashi: Tofu Cat Litter) act as adhesive to form the spherical shape of the pod, it is also environmentally friendly and have effective antimicrobial to discourage the growth of fungus
The compost used (Cold Storage: Premium Grade Organic Compost) provides nutrients to support the seed’s growth and good water drainage
- A 1:3 Ratio of cat litter and compost was mixed and water was added to form a clay like texture
The mixture was placed into a mold that forms a ball with a 3cm diameter and a gap is formed with a chopstick where seeds can be inserted
- Seeds will germinate and take root once seed pod is placed in field where water or rain can be accessed
Seed Dispenser
Design Specification
Initial Phase
Written Ideas/sketches/drawings/images with descriptions.
Prototype 1
Our first prototype of the seed disperser mechanism takes inspiration from the toy capsule or gachapon system. The rotation of the top disk allows individual seed pod to fall through the gap and be dispersed. We initially intended to implement another piece that can act as a stopper to control the frequency of seed pods falling through the gap.
Final Product
Our next prototype were successful as it can store and disperse seeds individually. The seed pods are stored in a step-like storage that guides the seeds to a tube where they will be dispersed. The piece below can holds 2 seed, and disperses 1 seed at a time with each rotation as shown in the video
Rocker Bogie
Design Specification
Initial Phase
First prototype of Rocker Bogie’s legs to study its movements and ability to rotate in relation with one another. In this prototype we discovered that the angles of the parts are too sharp for smooth movements and it is unsuitable for the fitting of wheels.
Prototype 1
First prototype of legs, some problems we encountered includes: tension and point of weakness in motor housing due to its curvature, and in rocker bogie joint where the aluminum profile is attached. As such, we decided to use aluminum profiles in the legs for strength and support
Prototype 2
Our second prototype improved but more changes had to made to it due to:
- tension and point of weakness in rocker bogie joint where the aluminum profile is attached
- Unnecessary use of screws and brass inserts
- Incorrect use and implement of bearings in parts that require rotations
Prototype 3
Third prototype have changes made to the:
- Rocker bogie to chassis: By combining the 2 previously separated parts that is attached to the legs and the differentiator
- Leg: combined all the parts of motor housing, forgo the use of 3D printed parts. Adjustment to the angles which the AP is attached at is also adjusted to ensure that all the parts are
- Hinge: Previously uses 3D printed part holding the front + middle legs with the back legs, we changed the design to effectively use the ball bearings
Final Product
- The servo and motor housing of the legs were combined and made longer so it is stronger and can travel over bigger obstacles
- A 3D part was designed and printed to act as an ‘adaptor’ to attach the motor’s coupler onto the wheels
- All of the motor from the wheels was wired up onto the PCB board and can run