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Working Principles In Project
Seed Pods
- The seed pods must be able to create a suitable environment for the seeds to germinate in the wild
- Important traits include: Environmentally-friendly, water retention, and provides sufficient nutrients for the seed to germinate and grow
- Use of Compost: Organic, provide nutrients and have good water retention
- Use of Kitty Litter: Organic, anti bacteria discourages fungal growth, enables seed pod to maintain it’s shape
Seed Disperser
- Storage seeds compactly and efficiently to reduce storage size, leads to dispenser where the motor will rotate to dispense 2 seeds in one cycle
Rocker Bogie
- Rocker bogie system allows individual wheels to roll on its own elevation so it can travel across rough and rocky terrain in natural land
- The weight is spread over the 6 wheels to ensure that motor usage is maximised
- The legs are held onto the frame with a differential bar and ball end joint.
- The bar pivots where if a side of the leg goes forward, the other goes backward to prevent the vehicle from toppling