System 1
Brief video overview of System 1
Key issues & findings:
- Water Removal Stage conditions:
- pH > 6.8 or TDS > 300 and water level sufficiently high.
- The Water Sensor available to us at this point of time is unsuitable to be used for our final product
- As seen in the video, It records a value of 500 – this is the value indicating the proportion of water level sensor immersed in the water, a value of 500 signifies that about half the sensor is immersed in the water. Hence a longer water level sensor is required.
- However, even with a longer water level sensor, the water level sensor still poses some issues. When the sensors (pH & TDS) are plunged in the same water body as the water level sensor, we notice that the values start to spike up. The water level sensor produces some ‘noise’ raising the values of pH and TDS displayed to higher than their actual values.
Changing LCD BUS
Brian soldering wire to change address bus of LCD
Key issues & findings:
- When trying to place 2 LCDs onto the same SDA and SCL connection via parallel wiring and I2C connection, we notice that only 1 LCD would produce correct results. The other LCD would display random characters.
- To overcome this, we decided to change the address bus of the 2nd LCD to be 0x26. This allowed for information to be sent to different address buses and allow for us to display different readings onto the 2 LCDs.
dismantling fish feeder.
Key issues & findings:
- We want to turn the automatic fish feeder into an automated regulator dispenser for our Clean Water Tank.
- Dismantling it is key as we did not want it to be battery operated. Rather, we want it to be powered by the arduino and be able to receive information by the arduino on when to pump out the regulator
- Upon dismantling we found that there were 2 main wires (Red and Black) powering the motor of the feeder. We deduce that these wires must be rewired and connected to our arduino instead in order to power it and get it to dispense upon receiving information by the arduino.
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