Week 7

Final completed Product

Video Demonstration





Fish tank parameters & final features


Acrylic housing for tanks: 360mm x 260mm

Main Tank: 35cm x 18cm x  26cm

Whole setup:


For the purposes of our simulation, we aim to create a suitable environment for zebrafishes to thrive in.

  • Homeostatic system, fish tank will always stabilise the conditions of the fish tank to match the suitable living conditions for the fishes
    • pH levels hover between 6.8 to 7.5
    • TDS values hover between 350 to 550
  • Failsafe design. Pumps are coded to prevent pumping out water when clean water tank is empty – when there is no water available to refill the tank.
  • Non-intrusive.
  • Little human input required
    • Owner only needs to refill the clean fish tank ,empty waste tanks and top-up his chosen neutral regulator into the dispenser.
  • IoT ThinkSpeak online data collection
    • Allows users to monitor the conditions of their fish tanks.

Why are there no fishes?

In order for us to conduct this experiment with live zebrafish, we had to gain approval from the NTU-IACUC committee and would have to shift the entire tank to designated zebrafish facilities. This would be too troublesome. As such, we chose to conduct simulations instead to showcase how our system would react to changes in pH and TDS values.


current code

Future considerations/improvements

We note that though our system has the potential to reduce water wastage during fish tank water changes, we still dispose away the waste water. As such, one improvement that could be worked upon is to turn our product into a closed system where the waste water is recycled back into the fish tank after undergoing the necessary filtering and water treatment.

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