Design Specifications

3D Model Structure

Design Sketch

This sketch gives an overall view of the mechanisms hidden inside our structure.

Hardware Specifications

1. Top view

This is primarily where users utilise to operate CHROMATIQ.

Components include:
a. Adafruit 2.8” TFT Touch Shield for Arduino with Capacitive Touch Enables an interactive display where users can simply slide/type to choose a colour of choice

b. Rotary Encoder ↠ Allows for fine-tuning to achieve the precise colour choice

Overview of setup

2. Hardware (Box 1)

Key components that code and ensure that the mechanism of CHROMATIQ works are inside this box!

a. Arduino Mega ↠ Our microcontroller of choice

b. Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Prototype Shield

c. Arduino Shield (Ramps 1.4) ↠ Necessary to accommodate more motors (since we have 5 peristaltic pumps!)

d. A4988 Drivers ↠ Stepper drivers that are connected to RAMPS 1.4. These drivers allow for a highly precise control of the dispensed paint volume

e. Wires ​↠ Goes without saying, they are needed for connection purposes All these have to be connected to a power supply to allow current flow.

Arduino Mega Specifications

3. Hardware (Box 2 & 3)

Peristaltic Pumps: These are our MVPs ↠  Specifically designed for the suction of liquid. Our paint goes through these pumps and gets dispensed through the silicon tubings which are attached to the pumps.

Final Product