Displaying of colour sliders on our screen

Next, we had to ensure that our UI could display the coloured sliders. We found heaps of code online (turns out: RGB sliders are more popular than we expected) and ran many codes through the TFT screen (driver: ILI9488) that we purchased prior. However, for two full days, we could not make the screen display anything but a white screen. Since we had no full confidence in anything, there were many areas of errors that we considered: 

  • Inaccurate wiring? 
  • Damaged wires?  
  • Incorrect code? 
  • Frying of the Arduino board? 
  • Incompatibility of the TFT screen? 

We later ensured the functionality of the wires through the continuity test. 

After another few days, we discovered that the incompatibility of the TFT screen was the issue since a library used in the test codes we found online did not work with our driver. Hence, we changed our driver to one that was compatible with the library (ILI9341) and tried again. However, for unknown reasons, the TFT screen was still non-functional. We confirmed that the wiring was not the issue with seniors in the lab.