Project Overview

Drain Inspection: A Tricky Task


  • 01 Limited Inspection Frequency 

    PUB's drain networks are over 8000km long. Inspecting every drain in Singapore requires significant resources and therefore the current inspection frequency is only once every 5 years. However, this is inadequate for identifying issues promptly, leading to potential drainage system failures and disruptions.

  • 02 Labor-Intensive Manual Inspections 

    Traditional manual inspections are time-consuming and require a significant workforce, increasing operational costs and hampering overall efficiency.

  • 03 Safety Concerns in Confined Spaces 

    Inspecting closed drains with confined spaces poses potential hazards to workers, necessitating precautionary measures that slow down the inspection process.

  • 04 Drain Size Limitations 

    The current drone technology is constrained to inspecting drains wider than 2m, leaving out a significant portion of smaller drains, which are equally vital for maintaining the drainage system's health.

  • 05 Automated Defect Detection and Mapping 

    Ensuring accurate and automated defect detection and precise geospatial mapping of the drainage network's alignment and dimensions present technical challenges that require innovative solutions. This is necessary to update the drainage records to confirm as-built drawings and provide new digital mapping data, particularly for older drains.





Ball-E has the potential to revolutionize the field of drain inspection with cutting-edge machine learning capabilities, self-piloting technology, and a failsafe joystick control. With its spherical design and small size, Ball-E can seamlessly navigate through different drain types and dimensions, effectively overcoming size limitations that PUB’s drain inspection drones face. Machine learning algorithms enable Ball-E to autonomously detect defects and anomalies within the drainage network, significantly enhancing inspection accuracy and efficiency. Moreover, its self-piloting capability reduces the need for manual intervention and hence increasing safety. Additionally, the joystick control option provides operators with a user-friendly interface to guide Ball-E through specific areas of interest, as well as a failsafe in cases where the self-piloting mode is compromised. By combining these advanced features, Ball-E not only streamlines the drain inspection processes but also provides real-time, high-quality data that are crucial for maintenance decisions and resource allocation.